Explorers Connect

Are YOU ready to get involved in Wild Night Out 2018?

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

2018 sees the third year of Wild Night Out, the UK's national day of adventure. We are encouraging friends, families and groups to get together, to venture into the outdoors and take part in fun activities on Saturday 30th June 2018.

Fewer and fewer people, especially young people and children, are getting outside and visiting the countryside and green spaces on offer in Britain. Did you know that only a third of children in Britain spent more than an hour a day outdoors and that more than a third of children have never been camping? Does this surprise you? In an age where we're becoming inactive and technology is a central part of life from an early age, it is more important than ever to get outside

Wild Night Out encourages everyone – families, first timers, seasoned explorers – to enjoy a night (and day) of wild adventure. You could go for a walk, kayak down a river, explore a National Park, jump in muddy puddles, camp in the back garden, go Geocaching, get on your bike, climb a tree, try something new … the possibilities are endless!

You can also volunteer your time or fundraise for charity and help disadvantaged young people to explore the outdoors.

Find out more about how to get involved at wildnightout.org