Explorers Connect

Embark on The Longest Swim!

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk1 Comment

We are looking for open minded, environmentally conscious, adventurous people to join our expedition, The Longest Swim.

We are a small group of young and crazy volunteers aka the DISCO CREW, Ben Lecomte’s support team for his world record attempt to swim across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to USA. The expedition is expected to last at least six months, and we will be collecting samples all the way to contribute to oceanic and medical research. More than just a swim, we hope to educate and raise awareness on the state of the world's oceans. However our family of volunteers is still not complete, we seek the right group of individuals to join our project that can contribute in a variety of ways.

We have positions available for: 

Expedition Crew – Joining the expedition and helping Ben complete his swim from Japan to USA (Starting early May). Before that you will have to be available for at least one leg of the delivery from Los Angeles to Tokyo via Hawaii (March-April). Medical skills, skipper qualifications or science background are big plus.

On shore team – Helping coordinate logistics and social media from land during expedition

If you are interested or have any questions about the project please ask below. Also feel free to share this with anyone who you might think this would interest. Check out our website for more information and follow the adventure on our Facebook Page.

To apply:
email us your CV and an introduction letter explaining why you would like to be apart of our expedition and how you think you could contribute => join@thelongestswim.com