Explorers Connect

Crossing the Darien Gap 2018

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk1 Comment

44-year-old German, Malte is looking for a teammate to travel to the Darien rainforest, located at the Columbian/ Panama border, looking for opportunities to cross the whole Gap.

It is often described as pristine rainforest, with intact fauna (even jaguars) and flora and as one of the least travelled regions in the world, due to the political situation in the past years. But since the signing of the peace treaty with the FARC the security situation improved a lot recently. Opening a once in a lifetime opportunity for a real adventure.

Malte's timeframe is from April to August 2018. It needs at least four weeks for the whole trip. The crossing itself could be done in anything between three days and 14 days. You will be travelling by dugout and on foot. Malte is experienced with expeditions and has already done a couple of jungle treks. 

Please contact Malte by email at Malteschostak@web.de
