Explorers Connect

Swimming the entire coast of Britain - Teammates wanted

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk14 Comments

I'm Paula Must Try Harder, the recluse turned adventurer, who used adventure and sport to overcome debilitating social anxiety and depression, trying everything from the 17 Commonwealth Games sports to flying jets and wing-walking. 

I regularly speak at events and in schools to encourage people to try new activities, incorporate risk into their lives, and push themselves beyond their own barriers. BBC The Social made this short film about my story recently too.

I've just announced my next challenge, and it's a big one. In April 2018, I'll be starting my attempt to become the first person to swim around the entire coast of mainland Britain. I'll be raising awareness of mental health and the importance of adventure, and raising money for The Mental Health Foundation along the way.

I'll be needing a safety boat and a kayaker, so anyone that you could connect me with that might be happy to follow a very slow - and scared - swimmer around Britain next year would be very welcome to get in touch! 

Contact: paula@paulamusttryharder.co.uk

For more info: www.paulamusttryharder.co.uk