Explorers Connect

Teammate Needed for All-Woman Multi-Day Lake District Hike

Belinda Kirk1 Comment

Love Her Wild (www.LoveHerWild.com) was set up to inform and inspire women around the world to get outdoors more. They are organising an all-female expedition for September this year and are looking for team mates to apply. No experience is needed, you just need to identify as a woman.

The expedition is called the Everest Challenge and the concept is simple:6 women, over 5 days, in the Lake District climbing the height of Everest. That’s hiking over 8,840 metres!

You can read more about the challenge with more details about the application process here: http://www.theordinaryadventurer.com/adventure/everest/female-expedition/

By applying you agree to the following:

  • attending a training weekend on Friday 2nd (evening) – 4th June 2017
  • being available between Wednesday 13th and Tuesday 19th September 2017 for the expedition (this includes a travel day either side of the challenge)
  • following the training schedule in your own time so you are fit and ready for the challenge
  • spending some time helping the team look for sponsorship opportunities (duties will be split amongst the team and full instructions will be given on what you need to do)
  • doing 1 action that will inspire other women. This could be organising a talk at a local Girl Guides or school, writing an article about your experience, or any other idea you may have
  • being filmed, recorded and photographed for any promotional purposes and to writing at least 3 blogs during the training and expedition for www.LoveHerWild.com
  • being a good and supportive team player who is accepting and tolerant of all peoples beliefs and opinions

To apply, you need to join: the Love Her Wild Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/404494083232320/) and send an email (or video) to bex@loveherwild.com with the following:

  • Name, age, location, occupation
  • A bit about you, what you are like as a person and what you like to do in your spare time
  • Why you want to join the Everest expedition and how you want to use this opportunity to change or recognise something in your life
  • 1 way that you might like to inspire other women/girls (it doesn’t need to be anything fancy!)

1000 word limit. Deadline: 15th March

(if you can’t join the group because you don’t have Facebook, the email alone is fine for now)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Please note that this is a non-commercial expedition.