Explorers Connect

Teammates Wanted for Wildlife Journeys

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I am looking to make some significant journeys to investigate the impact of habitat fragmentation and other human conflicts with wildlife.

I am looking for ideally two more teammates to take on a human powered journey over three/four weeks in the Summer of 2017 and possible other future trips of a similar nature. This would ideally be by hiking, horse riding, canoeing, pack rafting or a mixture of methods, following wildlife corridors such as a river or migration routes.  

I am a 34 year old female, aspiring writer and conservation scientist, I plan to write up the journey to publish and raise awareness. I have some ideas on locations and journeys but would love input from team members on these before we select and plan this expedition. Ideas currently include; Kazakhstan, Albania, Alaska or Finland. I would also like to engage with local communities and conservation groups to help guide the purpose of the expedition.

This would be an unsupported, self-funded journey. Expect wild rough camping each night, carrying full kit and remote landscapes.


Teammates could be male or female with a real understanding of and passion for nature and the outdoors. There is no need to be an expert but someone who is interested in the effects of habitat fragmentation on wildlife and human connection/conflict with nature. Ideally someone who might have a skill in two or more of the following: video/photography, wildlife identification, expedition planning, conservation or GIS. A good level of fitness would be required and an idea of, or experience of what such a journey might be like.

Please contact me with any questions on katharinequinlan@yahoo.co.uk

This is a non-commercial expedition, costs will be shared equally between team members