Explorers Connect

Teammate wanted for cycling in Oman

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Tobias is looking for a teammate to cycle in Oman.

"I have flights booked from January 4th to 25th, 2018. I want to stay in Muscat for two nights, to stock up and do some sightseeing, then leave quickly. I have not fully decided on the route but have a rough idea: something like a loop in the northern part of Oman where the mountains are located. Probably not going south too far."

"I estimate 50 - 120 km cycling per day, depending on the terrain. I want to ride gravel roads where possible. I have a gravel bike (38mm tyres) and will try to keep weight low (no 4 pannier setup). My plan is to wild camp as long as it is feasible and fun. I will carry cooking equipment but also want to eat at cheap restaurants along the road."

"I am from Germany, 36 years old. Fit but no pro. I have reasonable travel and hiking experience. I am confident in doing this alone, just looking for someone to share the experience. You should be self-sufficient, enjoy cycling for consecutive days and being outside for most of the time. You don't have to join for the whole trip, some days are also just fine."

If you've like to join Tobias on his adventure next month, email him at tobias.volker@gmail.com

If you're looking for a teammate for your next adventure, email us at teammates@explorersconnect.com with a (very!) brief summary of what you'd like to do, who you are and what you're looking for and we'll share it with our community of over 27,000 adventurers for free!