Explorers Connect

GB Row Teammate

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment
Pictured is Explorers Connect founder Belinda Kirk and her teammates who became the first women to row around Britain in 2010.

Pictured is Explorers Connect founder Belinda Kirk and her teammates who became the first women to row around Britain in 2010.

Ari is looking for a teammate who is a keen (or aspiring!) adventurer for an epic 2000 mile row around Great Britain starting in June 2018. You could also possibly go for the pairs record! 

"I'm a 36 year old male, I don't mind if the teammate is male or female and not particularly bothered about age either.  Don't need to have experience either though it may be helpful. What's more important is that our personalities match and we can work together easily.  In that regard I don't tend to get on well with perfectionists and people who pick on every little detail, prefer people who are more easy going, work well with others and have a can-do attitude and are willing to get on with things.'

Contact Ari by email at shome.a@gmail.com if you'd like to talk more.

If you're looking for a teammate for your next adventure, email us at teammates@explorersconnect.comwith a (very!) brief summary of what you'd like to do, who you are and what you're looking for and we'll share it with our community of over 26,500 adventurers for free!