Explorers Connect

Are YOU looking for a teammate for your next adventure?

Join a Team, Adventure RevolutionBelinda Kirk1 Comment

Did you know that Explorers Connect was created to help you find fellow adventurers to share your experiences with?

Kate recently asked EC to help her find a fellow female adventurer willing to do a world first and kayak from Dover to the Black Sea which would also break two world records (longest kayak trip by two females and most distance covered by two females in a kayak over 24 hours - as this doesn't have a record yet!).

I had such an awesome response to my kayaking trip advert on Explorers Connect, from women literally all over the world - South Africa, US, NZ, Kenya, everywhere! And it just so happens that last week I got an email from an upcoming female explorer... and after talking, it turns out that she not only lives in the same city as me, but was also 5 years above me at the same school! So we met yesterday and are already planning it all. 

So thank you so much for making it possible for us to start this journey.
— Kate Culverwell

If you're looking for a teammate for your next adventure, email us at teammates@explorersconnect.com with a (very!) brief summary of what you'd like to do, who you are and what you're looking for and we'll share it with our community of over 26,500 adventurers for free!