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Are you up for the ultimate rowing adventure?

Join a Team, Adventure RevolutionBelinda KirkComment

Imagine a rowing boat with two small cabins strapped on top and rowing it over 2,000 miles both non-stop and unsupported around the coast of mainland UK waters.

This is an extreme rowing challenge – the photo above shows some of the crews who took part in 2013.  Only two boats finished and both broke Guinness World Records. But which ones?

GB Row 2018 is an ultra 2000 mile row, starting and finishing at Tower Bridge in London. The start date is 1st June 2018.   

Will you be there?  

The challenge is simple – crews will row around Great Britain in ocean-going rowing boats (see above). You will be unaided in any way, rowing 24/7 to meet the extraordinary challenges of coastal waters where you will encounter the busiest shipping lanes in the world, have to carefully transit live firing ranges around the UK mainland and be aware of the many waterborne hazards whilst managing the gloriously unpredictable UK weather - even in June!

Crew teamwork will be constantly challenged in cramped living conditions onboard as well as the need to understand and maximise the tidal issues you will encounter.  Tactical pushes, day/night rowing routines and the intake of appropriate and sufficient calories to accommodate your efforts will determine which teams will set new or break current World Records. (Men’s Four WR, set in 2005 by 4 Army rowers at 26 days was just beaten in 2013. A Men’s Pair set a new World Record in 2013 in 41 days and the only Ladies Four WR was set in 2010 at 51 days).       

This is a Green event in its purest form. The key output is through the rowing blades which will propel intrepid rowing crews around this epic course which will be beautifully calm and tranquil in places, but very unpredictable in others. The weather will ultimately dictate boats’ true progress. But crews still have to make their own water (watermaker) and generate their own electricity (solar panels) to power their comms/navaids and a precision YB tracking device (supplied) will log exact progress every 60 minutes of this intriguing challenge.

The Organisers aim is simply to encourage ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things.

Four boats have already shown keen interest for the event: 2x Men’s Fours crews, a Ladies Four, and a Men’s Solo.  There are more 16 potential entries registering interest, but as yet uncommitted. A four man gig crew have just completed the challenge, the team from Ifracombe did extremely well in largely adverse weather.

The MCA (Coastguard) has again endorsed the event as have Guinness World Records and PLA (Port of London Authority): all have carefully scrutinised the event.

More people have walked on the moon than have completed this ultra rowing challenge. Only the strongest teams will finish - that’s why it remains probably the toughest rowing challenge in the world today.

Still interested? You all have that special quality, as Explorers and Adventurers so become experts at open water rowing too. So, what are you waiting for …

More details at www.gbrowchallenge.com                               

More information – contact Chris Usborne

Mobile – 07723088332    Home - 01489 481790

Or Email - chrisu@gbrowchallenge.com

This Challenge is presented every two years by GB Row Challenge Ltd.