Explorers Connect

Teammates Needed for Ounasjoki River Expedition

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

The Expedition

The Ounasjoki river runs for 300km through the Arctic circle from Hetta to Rovaniemi (the “home of Santa Claus”!). Tunnelling through Finland’s remote northern wilderness the river provides plenty of opportunities for wild swimming, fishing and spotting wildlife.

Although the river contains rapids up to grade 3, the hardest of these are easily portageable therefore making this trip suitable for most people who have prior canoeing experience.

Over approximately 10 days the team will attempt an unsupported kayak/canoe descent of the entire length of this river. Paddling under the midnight sun should bring mild weather and long days, ideal conditions for this type of expedition.

About Me

I’m a British guy called Neil in my late 20s. Although a keen white water kayaker, having paddled rivers around the world up to grade 5 in difficulty, I also have a wide range of expedition experience in caving, mountaineering and trekking. Recently I have organised and participated in expeditions that have successfully crossed deserts by foot in Israel, discovered new cave passages in Austria and circumnavigated Sardinia by sea kayak.

Team Members

Two or three enthusiastic and positive individuals with the following skills are needed to join the team:

 Confident flat water paddler, capable of maintaining a straight line over long distances.

 A good level of fitness and able to paddle for up to 8 hours a day.

 Willingness to wild camp for an extended period.

 Believe in the ‘leave no trace’ ethic.


Expedition Dates: 26 th June 2017 – 10 th July 2017.

Expedition Cost: Circa £600 (to cover flights, baggage, food, in-country transport & camping accommodation).

If interested or for further information then please e-mail necox201@googlemail.com.

Note this is a non-commercial expedition.