Explorers Connect

Teammate Needed for Sardinia Circumnavigation

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Circumnavigate Sardinia by Kayak

I will be attempting an unsupported circumnavigation of Sardinia by sea kayak during October, starting and finishing in Cagliari. Over approximately 1 month the team will need to cover around 900km, wild camping each night along the coast line.

I am looking for a couple of enthusiastic individuals to be part of the team, with the following traits:

• A good level of fitness, capable of paddling with a loaded boat for around 8 hours a day

• 4* sea kayak qualification (or similar experience).

• Willingness to wild camp for an extended period.

• Believer in the ‘leave no trace’ ethic.

Expedition Dates: 6 th October for around 1 month

Expedition Cost: Circa £500 (to cover flights, food, in-country transport & camping accommodation).

If interested or for further information then please contact Neil at necox201 [at] googlemail.com

Note this is a non-commercial expedition.