Explorers Connect

Teammates Wanted for Corsica Trek

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

A small team will be undertaking Corsica’s GR20 (“the toughest long distance trail in Europe”) in late September. The team will be travelling from north to south, covering over 180km and 10,000m of height gain in around 12 days.

As the expedition is being launched at the end of the season fewer people are expected and there may be challenges with food resupply and adverse weather.

I am looking for a couple of enthusiastic individuals to be part of the team, with the following traits:

• A good level of fitness, capable of hiking with a heavy pack for between 5 and 10 hours a day.
• Previous scrambling experience.

• Willingness to camp for an extended period.

• Believer in the ‘leave no trace’ ethic.

Expedition Dates: 18th September – 2nd October.

Expedition Cost: Circa £500 (to cover flights, food, in-country transport & camping accommodation).

If interested or for further information then please contact Neil at


Note this is a non-commercial expedition.