Explorers Connect

Teammates Needed for an Expedition to Southern Cameroon

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

The aim of the expedition is to create a documentary about both the flora/fauna of the region and the people living in the region (especially the Boumba et Ngoko province).  However, its aim is also to document (and - if possible and with luck - to capture on still and video cameras) animals thought or said to exist in that remote jungle whose existence has been confirmed by eyewitness encounter reports but is denied or neglected by mainstream science. In short, it is, in part at least, a cryptozoological expedition.

The duration is going to be between 4 and 6 weeks, depending on finances etc.

I am looking for individuals seriously interested in that kind of adventure, and possibly with some knowledge concerning operating a camera, post production and editing (that concerns sound as well) with the view of making a documentary that could be shown at festivals and/or on TV; also potentially with some knowledge concerning receiving/obtaining funding.

In an ideal world the overall cost of the expedition, spread among expedition members, would be in the region of 8-10 thousand USD for the duration of the expedition, that includes both individual costs (such as plane tickets etc.) as well as resources needed to purchase research equipment (drone, sonar, thermal camera, infrared-activated cameras etc.).  However, the expedition can also be organised at a smaller cost (and fewer equipment).

I live in Warsaw, Poland.

If you are interested, the best way of contacting me is via my mail wbobilewicz@gmail.com.

It is a non-commercial trip that I am organising myself.