Explorers Connect

Teammates Wanted to Help Build Transcaucasian Trail

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Over the next five years, the Transcaucasian Trail (TCT) project aims to develop a world-class, long-distance trail network across the Caucasus, linking roughly two dozen existing and proposed national parks in the region. The network will consist of two intersecting trail corridors, each roughly 1500 km long. One corridor, oriented east to west, will connect the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and the other, oriented north to south, will connect the Greater Caucasus and the Lesser Caucasus.

These well-marked and well-maintained trails will provide a world-class experience for hikers and other trail users, while increasing economic opportunities for local communities. The TCT will improve access to historic sites and protected areas in the region and raise their profile, helping to ensure that the natural and cultural heritage of the Caucasus can be enjoyed by future generations.

The trails will be built in several phases, each phase focusing on trails in specific regions. As these regional trails are completed, they will be connected to each other to form the long-distance corridors. Ultimately, visitors will be able to walk these trails uninterrupted for hundreds of kilometers.

Join our Trail Crew:

Summer is approaching quickly, and we are seeking international volunteers to help with the tough work of building the Transcaucasian Trail. The work will involve blazing trails, building tread way, putting up signs, building bridges, and other manual labor. So if you want to work hard, have fun, and contribute to a worthwhile cause, we want you! We will provide an educational, fun, no-frills experience for those interested in taking on the challenging and rewarding work that will support the creation of the trail. Get ready to make new friends, enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery, and learn about the Caucasus, trail building, and conservation.

During July and August the team will build a trail connecting Svaneti and Racha. Some sections of the trail still exist from old times, but are wildly overgrown. Currently the way is passable by the very experienced and adventurous, but our work this summer will open the trail to anyone and everyone who wishes to make this spectacular trek. With this key route opened, hikers will be able to walk the TCT uninterrupted for well over 100 kilometers.

  • Work with an international crew
  • Learn trail building techniques from experts
  • Come for up to eight weeks
  • Build a trail to connect two remote mountain regions
  • Stay in a spectacular camp setting

Help us remotely:

Help us from home by donating an hour or more of your time to help us make maps! This typically involves tracing satellite images with your mouse - drawing forests, rivers and more that will feed into our maps.

More information on the Transcaucasian Trail and getting involved here:
