Explorers Connect

Teammate Wanted for Indian Ocean Row

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

We are looking for a fourth person to make up a crew to row the Indian Ocean Next year, departing from Exmouth in western Australia and aiming to make land in Mauritius, about 3,600 miles in total. 2 of the crew members have Ocean rowing experience, having completed the Great Pacific race in 2014, and the skipper has over 24,000 sea miles under his belt on yachts, including two crossings of the Indian ocean, so you will be in safe hands!

We expect to be at sea for between 65 and 85 days, the time taken depending greatly on the weather that we encounter en route. Although you will need to have a certain level of fitness, the right mental attitude is far more important. Previous Ocean rowing experience would be a benefit, but not a prerequisite for the right candidate. Much more important is the ability to be able to have a sense of humour while living in a cramped smelly cabin that will no doubt home scenes of full male nudity from time to time.

Shift patterns will be 2 hours rowing, 2 hours rest, and all our food will be freeze dried meals and snack packs. There are going to be very few creature comforts, but I can absolutely guarantee you from personal experience, the sense of achievement you will feel when you step ashore after crossing the entire Indian Ocean by muscle and will power alone will never leave you. Less than 50 people have managed to row the Indian Ocean, so you will be joining a very small, elite list of adventurers.

You will be exhausted, your bum will be sore from salt water boils, you will probably suffer massive weight loss and you will not see anyone else except your crew mates for the entire time. But......  you will see the most amazing sunrises and sunsets, help raise money for charity and be part of research that may help the lives of those living with Parkinson’s disease, be completely disconnected from the pressure and stress of modern life and all that comes with it. You will do something that so few have ever had the opportunity to do, see marine life that most will only ever see on a screen. You will work, support and rely on each other in a way that you rarely experience in this day and age. You will share good times and bad, laughter and tears, and you will never forget the moment that we step onto land again.

You will need to be available from the beginning of June 2017 to the end of September. Please think very carefully about how that will affect your work and family commitments before getting in touch. We would be more than a little miffed if you pulled out at the last minute because of the reasons mentioned above. This has happened to me before, and is not great for my blood pressure.

The challenge is part funded at the moment, and although we do not expect anyone to contribute financially themselves, we would expect an active participation in fundraising. We are happy to teach you about how to do this, and to be honest, being involved in every stage of the challenge makes the whole experience a better one.

Unfortunately, due to existing Sponsorship in place, we are only looking for someone who holds a UK passport..

If you like the sound of what you have read and would like to be part of the challenge, or if you would just like to know more, you can contact me via email at billy'at'spotlightyopd.org  or call on 07917412805

This is a non commercial venture. Any and all monies raised outside of the costs of the challenge will be going to the Parkinson's charity Spotlight YOPD