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Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

The Expedition will travel 500km through Norway and Swedens Mountain Region. Into one of the most remote wilderness areas of Europe, through pristine Mountains withspectalular scenery. The area is home to large Reindeer herds, Moose, Ox, Wolves, Bears, Wolverine, Eagles and many other fauna we hope to see along the way. If we encounter animal or man-made tracks will we utilise these if they run close to our planned route as it makes for easier traveling, but most of the expedition will likely be on virgin snow,exploring the next horizon together as a team. We will attempt to travel for 50-100km or 8-12 hours each day, with breaks for the dogs, lunch, research, filming, note-taking and navigation. If the terrain is safe and Aurora is predicted we will travel at night. Camping will mostly be in Arctic Tents, but we will aim to travel within range of any emergency mountain shelters.

Much of the expedition will be in the high fjells; Mountains above the treeline. PLANNED DATES: Saturday 19th - Wednesday 30th March 2016 EXPEDITION LEADER: Mel Andrews - Will take overall responsibility for:the expedition and additionally for:Base camp, the dogs, overall dog care and decisions, first aid, planned route and navigation. TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED: 2 EXPEDITION STATUS: Unsupported Expedition, with 2 resupply caches EXPEDITION GOALS: 1) Explore 500km, high into the Mountains and deep into Femundsmarka National Parkof both Norway and Sweden by dogsled team. 2) Ivestigateand record the snow, ice and weather conditions in this wilderness regionfor future climate change research purposes. 3) Educate people across the globe about the micro effects global warming is having on our culture, lifestyle and day to day activities. OUTLINE PLAN: Saturday 19th March - Expedition team members arrive - socialising, pizza meet the dogs Sunday 20th March - Orientation: Admin, safety, personal kit, mushing dog gear, theory practical sleddog and mushing help sled driving practice Monday 21st March - Packing preparation, shopping Tuesday 22nd Sat 26th - Mon 28th March - On Expedtion! Aiming to cover 50-100km per day Tuesday 29th March - Dog care and RnR eg. Swim/sauna Wednesday 30th March - Expedtion team members depart *This is only an outline and is open for discussion amongst the team WEATHER AND TERRAIN CONDITIONS: (Logging records of actual conditions will be part of the Expedition) Temperatures expected: 0 to -30c Weather expected: High winds and blizzards are possible especially in the high exposed mountains Snow Conditions expected: Normal coverage about 1-2m depth. Minmal coverage to 5m drifts are likely This will bean Extreme and research based Expedition.

There are only 2 places available, so team members need to be experienced outdoors people that have been on endurance or winter style expeditions before. You will need to be fully prepared to bring along a very high level ofendurance fitness, amotivated attitude and skills that will benefit the expedition and team. Such as: Navigation, Survival, Teamwork, Wild Camping, Filming Photography and Record Taking. You dont need to have any dog or dogsledding experience, but you need to have reasonablebalance. Unlike most expeditions, you will need to be prepared to put the needs of other team members before yourself; namely the dogs. After a long physically demanding day, you will need to take full responsibility for feeding, bedding, massaging, caring and dressing your team of dogs, before you look after yourself. Camp chores will not be started until all the dogs are taken care of. Each team member will drive 8 very fit race dogs, drive a 20kg sled and carry 50-100kg of gear and dog food. It could be fast and technical on hard snow and downhill and require pushing the sled or snowshoeing ahead when the snow is deep and soft or uphill. LOGISTICS ACCOMMODATION: The Expedition base camp will be at Mels Kennel in Rros Norway. Team members are welcome to stay in the guest accommodation free of charge on a self-catering basis.Or if they prefer local Hotels can be recommended.

It would be better for team building if you stayed at the kennel before the Expedition. TRAVEL: Team members will need to get themselves to Rros, Norway. There are flights and trains to Rros (via Oslo). Mel can advise you on cheap and easy travel options. It costs approximately 200 Return to London. COSTS: The biggest expedition costs are training the dogs to a Fitness standard for travelling the desired distance, mushing equipment and sleds, inserting the resupply caches, insurance and non-emergency extraction. Mel and MAD Husky Tours will coverall of these costs and provide the trained dogs and equipment. Team members pay the costs of themselves and their team for the Expedition. For example your dog team will cost 2/km in dog food and consumables. Each team member will need to pay: 1950 for the whole expedition. Inclusive of Arctic gear and Expedition food. Payment can be by instalment plan and Mel will support you if you apply for any funding or sponsorship. You will need to buy your own base-layer and mid-layer clothes (socks, thermal underwear, fleece jacket, etc) Youll get a list of all the kit included and as a team well discuss gear we plan to take. INSURANCE: The expedition has insurance for public liability and you will have limited accident and injury cover. However you are advised to have good winter sports travel Insurance or specialist Expedition Insurance and an up to date EU Health Card. EXTRACTION OR EMERGENCIES: There will be a snow mobile available for extraction if you become ill/injured in an accessible location and it is not an emergency. Emergency services and the Red Cross are fantastic and will extract you if it is an emergency and we are unaccessable by scooter. There is a fee of around 100 for this and if you require hospital treatment it will cost up to 200 payable upfront, but all of this is refundable with an up to date EU Health card (if applicable)or good winter sports travel insurance. "