Explorers Connect

Cairngorms winter crossing

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I am planning a multi day exped to the Cairngorms this winter and I am looking for other adventurers to join me.

I aim to take my winter mountain leader training at the end of the season, so the trip is partly to build on my current experiences and to log several QMDs for this purpose. This trip would be ideal for anyone else looking to either do the same, or for anyone who happens to be in their consolidation period. Having said that, this trip probably isn't for you if you have a family, due to the dates I'm planning.Who? So far just myself. What? Wilderness, snow holing, bothies, mixed climbing, summits. If you like the sound of these and aren't put off by a little bit of cold, then this trip could be right up your street. Where?The Cairngorms, Scotland. Depending on available time and ability in the party, my initial plan is liable to change somewhat. With that said, the plan as is is to hike across the Cairngorms on a roughly north to south bearing (or vice versa), making Aviemore either the kick off point or finish line. Why? As mentioned above, I want to gain my winter mountain leader qualification so this trip is about building on my current experience. When? Here's the kicker - I'm looking to spend ~1 week on this exped, commencing 27th December and ending 2nd January. However, please don't let that stop you from getting in touch with me if you are keen on everything else described above bar the date. While I'm confident enough to do this by myself, I'm not too keen to be holed up in a snow cave/bothie by myself NYE, so if I cannot find a partner(s) to do the full length with then I would consider adjusting the dates to suit other interested parties.
