Explorers Connect

Ice Crossings 2016/2017

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hello people!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: From September 2016 till Summer 2017 : I'm planning to do some ICE CROSSINGS.Ideas are welcome:- Baikal Lake crossing?- Frozen rivers in Zanskar and Ladakh- polar ice cap crossings, with some training in the Alps and Spitzberg beforehand? Reaching north pole as a climax? I'm French. 34 years old. Entrepreneur and writer.I have trekked quite a bit, climbed several peaks from Kilimanjaro to Aconcagua, crossed part of Greenland, spent several months crossing central Asia as well as south america...From October 2015 to Summer 2016, I will be attempting a bit of DESERT Crossings in various countries. Fingers crossed it will go ok!! (see my other post on Explorers Connect).I have plenty of time and I'm flexible with dates and also quite opened to your other ideas or programs.
