Explorers Connect

Teammates Wanted for Cycle Tour of South America

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hi Adventure lovers,

I'm planning to cycle tour South America, starting from Rio de Janeiro, then heading south to stay in Buenos Aires for a couple of weeks. I'll then head right down to Ushuaia, before turning and heading north up the Pan-American highway through Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and finally the USA. 

The aim is to ride for around 50 miles each day, though this will definitely remain flexible with the trip. 

I'm currently on my own but would love company throughout the tour. If this sounds like it's for you and you'd be interested in joining me for a section of the journey, do drop me a message. 

I'm on mrj.edmondstone@gmail.com. Alternatively, tweet me @MickeyTwoEyes.




  • The finer details are yet to be organised. I won't begin the trip until the second week of December 2015 at the earliest. But really, I don't think you need much detail. The most important thing is that we'd get along. And the only way to find that out is by getting in touch ;)
  • So long as you can cycle and think you'll enjoy the trip, I'm sure we'll get along.