Explorers Connect

Mod level Hiker / Tramper

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Hey Explorers!

Anyone interested in hiking the Milford Track in New Zealand? Its known as one of the most beautiful hikes and is suitable for hikers at a moderate level.

You can read more about this 4-day tramphere. Its also known as being one of the toughest hikes to make a reservation for! My partner and I booked two spots on the track for Nov 6 - 9th (beg of peak season, spring/summer), which includes transportation to the beginning of the track (from Te Anau Downs), 3 nights in the huts (no camping on the track), the boat ride to Milford Sound, and then a bus that takes you back to the starting point (Te Anau Downs). Here is the schedule of fees for the hike.Unfortunately, my partner and I will no longer be in NZ at that time since my Dad is having heart trouble and we have to go back to the US.

We're offering our two spots for the Milford track at a discount to the Explorers Connect community. Tickets for the Milford Track usually must be booked over 6 months in advance due to limited space and its popularity. We booked ours 8 months in advance.The total cost that we paid for our spots is USD$510 or $255 / person and we can transfer our spots to you for USD$450(for both tickets) or $225 for one. We will also cover the transfer fee of $10. If you or someone you know is interested in experiencing one of the most beautiful walks in the world, shoot me an email.