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Patagonian Ice Field Photo Expedition with Michael Clark (11 days) - special offer for EC members

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As far as we know, a photographic workshop has never before been held on the Patagonian Ice Field. We are extremely thrilled to announce this first-of-its-kind expedition for photographers.You have surely seen thousands of images of the iconic mountains Cerro Torre and Fitz Roy. But how many photos have you seen shot from theother sideof these mountains? Thats right - not many. Yet the views from the ice cap are far more striking than those from the easily accessible viewpoints by the road. The Patagonian Ice Field is the third largest mass of ice on Earth and is a virtually untouched remote wilderness area.The adventure will be led by two highly experienced mountain guides and the American outdoor photographer Michael Clark. Michaels work is used by many notable organizations, as outlined below. The expedition is eleven days long, and you will spend a week of this trekking across the ice cap and photographing the stunningMarconi glacier,Cerro Torre,Fitz Royand numerous othermajesticpeaks rising straight from the ice. The experience may be similar to landing on the Moon, in that the landscape will be unlike anything that you have photographed before.For more info please go to the expeditions webpage.EXPEDITION LEADER:If there were SEAL special forces made up of adventure photographers,Michael Clarkwould certainly be commanding a squad. He has been on assignments to some of the remotest locations on Earth, and his work is widely published by magazines and newspapers such as National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, Outdoor Photographer and Outside. It appears that this hasnt gone unnoticed; his work is regularly used by commercial clients such as Nikon, Apple, Red Bull, Microsoft and Patagonia, among many others. Michael is among the very few photographers chosen to photograph the prestigious Patagonian Expedition Race. You can learn more about his work on our team page. www.verticalshotexpeditions.com/team