Explorers Connect

Hebrides cycle trip July 2015

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hey Guys,

I'm a 22 year old lass who lives in Scotland looking for a few fun people keen on cycling the Hebrides from Barra to Lewis, camping along the way in July. Im pretty new to cycle touring but love a wee adventure, unfortunately most of my friends arent keen on physical exertion!! Hoping to finish at the Heb Celt fest for some epic music and then cycle down the West Coast of Scotland in returning back to Glasgow for the train home.Looking at dates from 5th July, festival 15th-18th July and then a few days after cycling home. Dates and festival can be more flexible if required or want a cheaper option.If you are a keen bean give us a message :-) I can go over costs, route and other details... Happy cycling x