Explorers Connect

The Mongol Rally: the greatest motoring adventure on the planet

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Good day fellow adventure seekers,Myself and one other have put together a team for the Mongol Rally. We wish to take a team of 3 and therefore have a team member space in our teeny tiny Vauxhall Corsa.

The Rally is 10,000 miles through deserts and mountains in a vehicle that is clearly not equipped for the challenge. Make no mistake my friends, this is no 5 star holiday of luxury and comfort ... this, ladies and gents ... is an adventure of the extreme kind.There is no deadline to finish the rally and we plan to stop and take in everything we encounter. The first thing youre going to need if you wish to fill this space is time, from July 19th onwards, possibly until the end of September. The second is money, all rally/ fuel / vehicle costs will be split equally between the 3 members.

The third is the desire for adventure, if you are dull / boring / like to moan a lot, please read no further.