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Seven months of rock climbing in Russian Federation along the route from Crimea Peninsula to the coast of the Sea of Japan. The aim of the expedition is to introduce climbers from all corners of the world to the magic of the rock climbing crags and the mountains of Russian Federation; the region hardly visited by climbers from the western world.We shall travel in a specially converted expedition truck nicknamed EMMA.

It will be a not-for-profit adventure for climbers of all grades; for the beginners and for very advanced climbers.The expedition will take us in March 2016 initially through the best crags of Crimea Peninsula and then through Northern Caucasus Mountains. We will be climbing in such famous areas as Guamka or Indiuk, will put new routes on the rocks around the city of Sochi, the host place of the last, 22nd, Winter Olympics.Further east we will come to the central Caucasus Mountains, to Kabardino-Balkaria, with possibility for keen mountaineers for full scale expedition attempt on Europes highest peak Mount Elbrus (5642 m), or for other peaks in the region of area of Tugan-Dżan. Bezengi and Berezovska Balka will be the next fantastic rock climbing areas of Caucasus before going to Samara region.

From there we will drive through Ural Mountains, the range dividing Europe and Asia, and climb several crags on the way.A lot of mountains, rivers, forests, and even a desert, and lot of wildlife to see on the way, a lot of cultures to experience, will now await us as we enter Siberia. We shall go through the UNESCO World Heritage listed Altai Mountains - The Golden Mountains; climb granite rocks and walls of Ergaki Mountains. Kuznetskiy Alatau, The Blacksmiths Mountains, recognised as one of the most picturesque places the humans visit with its breathtaking landscapes will be the next to explore and climb. Imagine, the mountains reaching only 2200m elevation have some 80+ glaciers!Going further through Khakassia in the southern Siberia we will get to a five star climbing area: the famous Pillars of Krasnoyarsk.

From there only a stone throw away of 1k+ km we will reach Irkutsk, the city on the bank of worlds deepest and most famous lake, Lake Baikal. Going around this lake, climbing in pretty unknown Kodar Mountains and driving through Chara Sands desert will bring us to the heart of Siberia, to the city of Yakutsk, the capital of Republic of Sakha.There we will go to yet another UNESCO World Heritage area, to the Pillars of Lena, with hundreds rocky pillars along that river. After enjoying that area, we will go back to Yakutsk, cross the river Lena and to escape approaching winter will drive south, some mere 3k km, to Vladivostok.

There we shall plunge in and climb rocks on the beaches of the Sea of Japan. That will be the mid October 2016.Expedition vehicle EMMA will be stored for winter to wait for next year return leg to Europe via China and mountains south from Russian Federation. Website: www.climbglobally.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/climbglobally