Explorers Connect

February 2016 Ski Touring Afghanistan

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Untamed Borders was the first company to run ski trips to Afghanistan. We will be back in 2016 for our 6th Afghan ski season, concentrating on skiing in the Bamian region of Central Afghanistan.

Bamian now has a small ski rental shop set up by a local entrepreneur and has Afghan ski guides familiar with the mountains.This trip will be led by an internationally certified mountain guide assisted by local Afghan ski guides. Guests do not need any prior experience of ski touring and we know slopes suitable for all standards of skier. It is a chance to experience the incredible natural beauty of Afghanistan combined with skiing in one of the least visited regions in the world.

We fly into Kabul and then we head to the beautiful and peaceful Bamian valley to ski in the Koh e Baba mountain range. We will also have time to visit the remains of the worlds largest standing Buddha statues that overlook the town and the ancient cities of Shah e Zohak and Shah e Golghola.Afghanistan is a country slowly recovering from years of violence and neglect but it has always been a magnet for the intrepid. The rugged landscape, the ancient history crossed with tough yet incredibly hospitable people is an intoxicating mix. The chance to truly blaze a tourist trail is a rare opportunity.Date:21st February 1st March 2016Start Point:KabulEnd Point:KabulMaximum number of people: 10Day 1 KabulSunday 21st February 2016Arrive in Kabul.Briefing. Depending on time of arrival we will be able to arrange a city tour to some of Kabuls more interesting sights such as the OMAR landmine museum, the ruins of Darulaman Palace and the Kabul Museum.Day 2 Kabul BamianMonday 22nd February 2016We fly from Kabul to Bamian home of the Hazara people.

The Hazara are a Shia minority who are ethnically related to the Mongols of Genghis Khan. They have suffered a great deal of persecution under a number of Afghan governments and only now have the opportunity to build schools and hospitals in their mountain homeland, the Hazarajat.Days 3 to 8 BamianTuesday 23rd Sunday 28th February 2016Following paths and routes explored during the past five winters we will ski the slopes of the Koh e Baba mountain range and enjoy the acres of powder on virgin routes. For the less experienced we will be working with local guides on fairly simple runs. For the more experienced we will enlist the help of a western qualified ski guide to find slopes deep in the Hindu Kush, some of which have never been skied before.

You might be met on the slopes by local men who want to join us skiing on their home made skis, assist in avalanche prevention and ski training programs or be invited in for tea by villagers. All part of the Ski Afghanistan experience.As well as skiing we will be able to show you around the lively Bamian Bazaar, visit the remains of the giant Buddhas of Bamian, explore nearby Dragon Valley and summit Shah e Golghola (the City of Screams), left in the same state as when Genghis Khan sacked it 800 years ago.Day 9 Bamian KabulMonday 29th February 2016Fly back from Bamian to Kabul. Once in Kabul we will see any sights missed on the first day including Chicken Street and Baburs Gardens.Day 10 Fly homeTuesday 1st March 2016We will take you to the airport to catch your flight.We suggest you take an afternoon flight to allow for some further sightseeing and last minute shopping in the morning.You will be accompanied by an English speaking Afghan team leader for the entire trip and a qualified western ski guide whilst on the slopes.

The trip includes: All accommodation Breakfast Lunch when skiing All ground transport Two internal flights (Kabul-Bamian / Bamian-Kabul) GuidingThe trip does not include: Visas Insurance Flights to Afghanistan Entrance fees Lunch Dinner Drinks Tips Ski equipment (Equipment is available to rent please let us know in advance to ensure the correct sizes are available)Basic Cost 1700A deposit of 250 is required to reserve your place on this trip.If you have any questions regarding this itinerary or about Afghanistan in general, please contact us. If you are ready to book this trip, please go to the booking form.
