Explorers Connect

Uniting Nations seeking rowers to join crew

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Team Uniting Nations are a four person team taking part in the Great Pacific Race and will row from Monterey, California to Waikiki, Hawaii in the summer of 2016. They are looking for an extra person to join their team. In 2014 the team using the same boat won the race and became the first and fastest four person boat to row the Pacific.This is a unique opportunity which has got to be the easiest way to row any ocean. Sure the challenge itself is huge but this opportunity allows you to cut out the difficult challenges of working out exactly which pieces of equipment are best, how to make various things fit on the boat etc.The boat, shipping it to the start and from the finish, race entry fee and all mandatory equipment are all included in the fee.Youll need to complete the mandatory courses and arrive in Monterey with your food packs ready to go. Obviously we are a team and it would be great if we could meet up before the start of the race to do some training and get to know each other.Obviously its important that the new team member is a good fit for the existing team of enthusiastic adventurers but if you love life and cant wait for the challenge of a lifetime then youve come to the right place.
