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1 Space left - Dogsledding Photo Expedition in the Arctic Mountains of Norway

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This photo expedition is a real adventure for those who seek to experience a true mountain wilderness in the heart of winter. In Dividal National Park (Arctic Norway) no snow scooters or cars are permitted. Our small group and our hardworking dogs will be on our own there. You will only hear the sound of the wind and the sleds sliding on the untouched snow. Each night we will be waiting for the Northern Lights with a hot drink in front the cabin or a tipi the expedition is taking place during the best time of the year for watching the Aurora Borealis.The team will be led by the outdoor photographer Lars Schneider, whose work is widely published in magazines like Mens Health, GEO Saison, Runners World, National Geographic Germany, Outside, etc... Lars has spent more than 10 years shooting for clients such as Patagonia, Garmin, Gore Salomon, as well as working on his personal projects on 6 continents. More about the expedition leader here:www.verticalshotexpeditions.com/team/By his side will be Jan Klaudiussen - a passionate and highly experienced local guide. Jan used to be a chef at a Michelin-Star crowned gourmet restaurant long time ago so you can hope for some really good warm food even faraway in the mountains!No previous dogsledding experience is required and training will be provided before we head to the mountains. We will spend the nights in cozy log cabins and heated tipi tents. However, this is an expedition in a vast wilderness area with unpredictable weather and snow conditions above and below the tree line. This combination demands a good physical shape of the participants and a flexible course of the expedition.Cabins are accessible within daily distances. Nights in the tent are necessary when deep snow or bad weather hinders our progress. Each participant will ride his/her own sled and is responsible for feeding his/her own dog team. The sled and the equipment has to be secured, the dogs have to be attended. In deep snow you will be helping the dogs constantly. The close teamwork of participants and huskies is what makes such a demanding tour into the pure Arctic wilderness a very special experience for adventurous photographers.If you are interested in taking part in this expedition please get in touch with us and we would gladly discuss this exciting expedition in detail with you!Find out more at:www.verticalshotexpeditions.com/dogsledding-norwayGet in touch via EC personal message or email us at:basecamp@vsexpeditions.com