Explorers Connect

Stand Up Paddle Board Bath to London

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I have only ever been on a SUP once (3 hrs on the Thames from pub to pub) but loved it. I have a week that I want to spend doing something a little different. This is not about achieving world fastest trips, etc - and I am not doing it for charity.

I am really after any sensible advice on doing this and whether Bath to Putney is achievable in a week for a beginner. i'm fit and healthy otherwise and have good mental fortitude (allegedly). I am planning to use a 10ft 6 inflatable SUP that is 32 Inches wide (apparently that's the geeky part) I will stay in pubs along the way and was aiming at 5-6 hrs per day starting Sunday after next.

Anyone ever done this before? Advice? Thoughts? Do you need any special permissions?

Many thanks,
