Explorers Connect

Driver and Camp hand

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Documentary Trans Australia Motor bike Expedition. In September/ October 2014 we will be driving and riding twice across Australia, the first 3 weeks filming and setting fuel/ water depots and the last week supporting a motorcycle racing against the clock across Australia targeting sub 87 hours. We will be taking 2 support Landcruisers and a modified motorcycle across Australia twice, firstly most easterly point (Cape Byron) to most westerly point (Steep Point) and then returning back to the east coast. Dates are departing Sydney Saturday 20th September driving to Byron Bay and then through the Simpson Desert past Uluru and onto Steep Point. Return to Sydney around Saturday 18th Oct. We require a combined driver and general camp hand. This position would focus more on assisting the day to day running of the expedition, setting up and breaking camp, driving, and help out with the shooting of this self-funded documentary. This is an UNPAID position, however all expenses of the trip are paid for, except beers at the pub. This trip is departing Sydney so you will have to pay your costs to get to Sydney. This is what you will experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0iVFr_fabM This is how youll be driving (If my Daughter can do it, then so can you) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9dMI7RzEes
