Explorers Connect

London Adventure team going to Base Camp Festival & Microadventure

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hello people, a few of us from London are going to the Base Camp Festival and we thought why not make a trip of it! So the idea is for us to rent a car/people carrier and escape London Thursday night, find somewhere awesome and wild to micro adventure and hopefully find a lake/river on route Friday to take a dip explore somewhere new and then head to the festival in relaxed style with a like minded group.

We can sort out times for coming home Sunday once we've got the group sorted unless we all decide to take the Monday off and do a day in Snowdonia or something similar.... We will be renting a vehicle so costs will be split equally and if you can drive that might make life easier for us all. This is a great chance to meet new like mined people, and keep the cost to the festival nice and cheap, we all know us adventure types are always stink! AND have an adventure getting to the adventure! FEW! If you've got any questions please drop me a email or tweet me! Russ russell79smith@gmail.com @Hikebikerun2014