Explorers Connect

Drivers / documentary makers

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

A female led, 4x4, overland expedition, is looking for additional drivers to join all or some of the adventure.

The self-funded expedition travelling overland from Cape Town to Kolkata will be exploring and documenting the economic development of women across the myriad of nations between undergoing political/social/cultural shifts.

Whilst the journey itself will be an incredible adventure in its own right, this is a unique opportunity for women to engage in open, cross-cultural dialogue regarding the changing societal views towards a woman's position in the work place and the steps that are being taken to affect that change.The project leader is currently supported by a team of about a dozen friends, family and former colleagues, several of whom are joining for sections of the journey, while others offer backup support as well as local connections along the route.

For more information check out:http://www.explorersconnect.com/-/-/-/-/capetown2calcutta-17545