Explorers Connect

Whitewater Rower/Boat Captain

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

In need of a whitewater raft rower/boat captainfor Grand Canyon - Colorado River expedition June 23, 2014. Must be in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA on or before that date (non-negotiable). Join a small group of enthusiastic adventurers - age range 15 to 56 - for the adventure of a lifetime! All equipment, food, safety gear, and logistics are provided, just show up.Total 16 days on theRiver, take-out July 9. Experience rowing not needed. The right adventurous attitude is all that matters, a be physicallyfit.Trip leader will train.Costs are shared and very modest for a trip like this. Passenger position may also be available. Contact Trip Leader James Gorham immediately if interested. +00 (1) 714.679.1590 jgorham@ch2m.com