Explorers Connect

Action Adventurer

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Hi, my name is Chris O'Neill! I'm an action adventurer, explorer, and dreamer. I have big plans for this life! To do as much good as possible and help make the world a better place! One of my passions is making videos when I travel! I recently went on a road trip across America and filmed this: http://youtu.be/quxti3vwabM Now, I am planning a trip across South America! I want to try to visit every country in South America this summer! I have never traveled with anyone before, but I found this site, and I thought that I might reach out to anyone who would like to make this journey with me! If you would like to know more about me, my previous journeys, or if you are interested in an adventure, let's connect! You can send me a message via fb here: www.facebook.com/ChrisAcrosstheWorld Thanks! I look forward to meeting you!
