Explorers Connect

Conservation on the Edge

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

From the deserts and steppes of Central Asia to the mountain kingdoms of the Himalayas and the low lying tropical forests and wetlands of the Indian subcontinent, we aim to raise awareness of the vital work being undertaken to safeguard some of the worlds most unique landscapes, threatened ecosystems and endangered fauna, by telling the stories of the people, wildlife and habitats that define the cutting edge of conservation.

In June 2014 Stuart and James will embark on a 7 month overland trip from the UK to Bangladesh and back, visiting 9 different conservation projects along the route. The purpose of the trip is threefold: To raise awareness of the vital conservation work being done to preserve some of the worlds most threatened species and habitats in parts of the world often overlooked by us in the West. To inspire and educate people about the natural and cultural heritage of the places and communities we will visit. To raise money for the crucial work being undertaken by the conservation projects who have kindly agreed to work with us. We plan to raise awareness of the projects by documenting their activities through photography, film and the written word, aiming to use conservation as a lens through which to tell the stories of the complex, but inspirational people, wildlife and landscapes in the countries through which we pass.

Regular updates from the road will be published on our online blog, as well as being covered by the award winning travel magazine, The Intrepid Explorer. Furthermore, on our return we will be visiting a number of schools in order to educate and inspire children about the regions natural and cultural heritage, in collaboration with education charities. We will also be exhibiting art produced during the expedition through our collaboration with Astrid Harrison and Stephen Rew. Please visit our website for more information on all of the above, and get in touch if you would like to get involved with the expedition as a partner or sponsor.
