Explorers Connect

LAST MINUTE: Kayak Exploration - Secret Islands of the Danube River

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Kayak Photo Exploration - Secret Islands of the Danube RiverONLY FOR EXPLORERS CONNECT MEMBERS: 200 (250) discount if you book before the 2nd of June.Dates:04 - 13 July 2014You thought that each and every wild island in Europe was over-photographed long ago, right?Well, not really! How about wild-camping and photographing on 7 pristine islands that you have never heard of?Thanks to 45 years of communism and nearly non-existent tourist Infrastructure, there are several wilderness areas situated in the Danube River between Bulgaria and Romania, that so far have not been explored by western photographers. Or by any photographers at all, actually.This summer we are embarking on a 10 days kayak photography exploration tour to the mighty islands: The tour is suitable for people with no previous experience in kayaking, as well as for experienced kayakers. You don't have to be a great photographer to join us, but by the end of the expedition you will probably want to know more about light and composition.Our seasoned kayak guide Damian 'Demo' has visited the islands many times throughout the last decade - he even claims one of the islands to be his own! Both Demo and our photography expedition leader Vlad Donkov have grown up on the Danube's shores. The islands are so rarely visited that even most locals have never set a foot there.Even though the river is 1 to 2 km wide for most of its length, the islands have their own microclimate, ecosystems with tiny jungles, secret lagoons and vast sandy beaches. They are rich in birdlife: cormorants, pelicans, white storks, egrets and nearly 200 other species. Note: Don't worry; we camp far from their nests in order not to disturb them! It's just like a fragment of the Amazon cut and pasted into Europe.We will kayak downstream for about 200 km in total (15 to 25 km of relaxed paddling a day is not a problem for most people with regular fitness level). Our aim is to camp only on the islands and explore them on foot and by paddling around we may even paddle into the flooded forests. Check out the route mapThe 10 days journey starts and ends at Sofia International Airport, which is situated about 150 km away from our starting point. We will be paddling for 8 full days in a small group of maximum 6 participants, led by our photography tutor outdoor photographer Vlad Donkov our kayak guide Demo.The kayak exploration tour is suitable for both beginners and experienced photographers passionate about landscape or/and wildlife photography it is a rare chance to be amongst the first to unleash the photographic potential of a pristine area in Europe.For more information about the guides - check out the team page.
