Explorers Connect

3 People to Join my Team for Antarctic Trek

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hi there, My names Jonathon Jacques im 22 and i am planning a trek to Antarctica in and around November 2016-2017 as there is a shed load of training needed. I am asking 3 people to join me on a trip of a lifetime, it will be a amazing adventure for us 4 that go. I am doing this for Great Ormond Street Hospital, as they have helped myself and others and children soooo much that they deserve a big something back. As i live in the UK it may help if my team members are from the UK. Training will be Around Iceland, Norway and if possible Greenland. More info can be given by phone or email If you interested Please Email me on j_r_jacques@outlook.com or Text me as i cant take calls at the moment. 07860668346 Thanks