Explorers Connect

Everest 2014 Climb4Change Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Alex Staniforth, aged 18, is set to become the youngest Briton to climb the Southeast Ridge of Mount Everest, in Nepal whilst aiming to raise 29,035 for CLIC Sargent and the Red Endangered Animal Connection Trust. i.e. 1 per foot of Everest. He will be on the 70 day trip with British expedition leader, Tim Mosedale.

Alex trained on Baruntse, 7,129m last Autumn for a month along with Mera Peak, 6,476m. He has overcome Epilepsy and a host of other obstacles to be spurred on by adventure and his life ambition to summit the worlds' highest peak to show young people they can be the change they want to see in the world. Major sponsors are Textlocal.com, Pingtree and UK Loans, with product support from Craghoppers, Marmot, Icebreaker, MyProtein, LED Lenser, Beet IT and Powertraveller.

Follow the journey at www.alexstaniforth.com/blog.html or Twitter @alex_staniforth