Explorers Connect

Hike the Great Wall of China

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Been wanting to trek along the Great Wall for a while now. Have considered organised trips or charity expeditions, but all of the ones that I can find seem to do very short distance/duration days. Typically 3/4 hours and 10km walking. I have reasonable distance walking experience (Pennine Way, John Muir Trail), I typically do the Y3P in 7 hours.I'm hoping to find a travel partner or partners who fancy seeing more, and walking further each day, along the Great Wall. I'd be looking at around 15 mile days, I guess. Aiming for early September 2014 - leave 6th!? I'd look to hike for six days, with a 2/3 days in Beijing before the hike, and a 2/3 day stopover in Dubai on the way back. Probably hire a local guide in China to help with the logistics of getting to and from the hikes.
