Explorers Connect

Flying for Heroes

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Flying for Heroes is a not for profit enterprise providing pilot training scholarships for wounded services personnel and veterans. It will launch in 2014 with an initial eight trainee student pilots.

After their training these newly qualified pilots will be televised attempting to fly Para-trikes and Para-motors across Kenya in Africa in partnership with Help for Heroes. Follow us on Facebook. The wounded service personnel will attempt the 1000km flight across Kenya on Para-trikes. A phenomenal and grueling distance to cover in a Para-trike, the pilots will battle the dramatic elements, the harsh landscape, their disability and their self-belief to reach their goal. Starting at Lake Turkana, the site of Lucy, the first discovered human, our heroes will make an epic three-week journey to Mt Kilimanjaro on the south Kenyan border.

Part of the mission will also include the team driving support vehicles. They will traverse the Rift Valley and other impressive and challenging landscapes including deserts, lakes, savannah, jungle, rivers and mountains. During their three week expedition the team will sleep in the bush, surviving the environment as well as dangerous wildlife including big game, snakes and scorpion.

We really appreciate any donations and to make one please visit: http://www.flyingforheroes.org/donations