Explorers Connect

Team members wanted for Lands End to John O'Groats cycle

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Fellow Adventure enthusiasts!To raise money for a few select charities,in May 2015 myself and a friend will be undertaking the challenge of cycling from one end of the British Isles to the other. This will be a sprint style undertaking, with a support vehicle carrying all supplies and luggage, over a course of 7-8 days.Now I know this isnt the most radical of challenges, however 2015 is the year that i start to take more risks and do more adventurous stuff! Were appealing to anyone else out there who is similarly excited about the ideaof expeditions or challenges, but who havent actually started one yet, to join in!Every year hundreds of people pay thousands of pounds for the privilege of doing an End-to-End challenge, and this is a great way of doing it cheaply and in the company of like-minded adventurous people. If anyone is interested please feel free to email me or leave a comment below.Happy 2015 everyone!


Jay K, Yorks.