Explorers Connect

Orangutan Research Volunteer Team Mate

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Looking for a motivated physically fit individual with interest in primate data collection and backpacking/camping, for volunteer field research assistant position at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Appointment is for minimum of 6 months to (ideally) 1 year. Volunteer will be my team-mate during expedition.Project seeks to understand male orangutan ranging patterns. Males can have incredibly large ranges, usually larger than established research site trail systems. Due to the logistical constraints of following orangutans outside of trail systems, data on male orangutan ranges are incomplete because behavioral follows are typically aborted when orangutans leave study area. This study seeks to increase sample size on orangutan ranging patterns beyond the borders of research sites by engaging in long-term, long-distance follows using a mobile team of researchers capable of camping out in the rainforest (using hammocks) and carrying all necessary rations and gear for several days.Main responsibility for volunteer will be assisting primary investigator with behavioral data collection. Data collection will take place during field periods, and the goal length of each field period is 10 days (which may not be possible every time due to logistical reasons). Each month, there may be approximately two field periods.Other responsibilities for volunteer include assisting primary researcher with wildlife photography projects, tree climbing, and data entry. There will also be opportunities to work with the local national park and conservation organizations, on education and conservation projects.This is an incredible opportunity for someone to get out and actually live an dadventure in the wild. Gunung Palung National Park is a beautiful and diverse site, and one of the most pristine primary rainforest sites in the world. It has a variety of insect, bird, and plant species, and five species of primate. You will be working and camping out in the rainforest for days at a time, living the life on an adventurer scientist. You will also have opportunities outside of field work to explore the rainforest on your own, and work with a local NGO.
