Explorers Connect

Uganda International Marathon & Rural Community Immersion

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Running in East Africa is like playing Football at Wembley, Cricket at Lords or Quidditch at Hogwarts.This is the home of distance running, this is the silhouette jogging across the African sun, this is the dust rising in the wake of a group of lightning quick locals- and this is your chance to run a race like no other.We- a group of adventurers and charity workers- have come together to create a marathon and immersive rural community experience like no other. Weve beavered behind the scenes, and are now moving to Uganda to work in situ to ensure this event is like no other raceyoull have ever taken part in.The baseline plan is flexible, but the standard experience lasts 7 days around race day, on 24thMay 2015.Youll be staying with a local family, totally immersed in the community. Seeing projects- including schools and medical clinics- duringthe day that the marathon has funded, then spending time with your new friends in the evening. On the Friday before race day, youll organise and marshal a fun run for the local children- many of them rescuedfrom the streets. On race day the children return the favour, lining the finishing straight and presenting you with your medal.Make no mistake- this is rural Uganda, and it wont all behome comforts. We cant promise you warm showers, but we canpromise warm welcomes.The race itself will be 26.2 miles through beautiful rural scenery, running throughthe communities the marathon has supported financially. We hope that the sight of a school youve helped to fund and build at the top of a hillwill keep you going up it!The starting gun will fire off at 6am and may God have mercy on you. Make no mistake about it; this will be a true test of any runners ability. If you are hunting a PB then stick to a nice, flat, tarmacked European classic...Were looking for some adventurers to get lace up, step upand join as runners- this isnt your standard chaperoned, 4* hotel African experience- this is raw and real. Its going to be incredible fun- bonding with your host family, spending time with people and causes you have supported by taking part, and racing alongside local runners whilst the whole community comes out to party.Its 390 for 6 days- including the race food, accommodation and transport- and wed like toyou fundraise a manageablebut meaningful amountfor the local community and a charity of your choice on top of that.There are loads more details on our website here: www.UgandaMarathon.comAnd on Facebook and twitterif youre socially inclined!This is a project organised by people with a love of East Africa, running and community. Weve worked incredibly hard to make the very best event we possibly can- one which we would absolutely love to take part in ourselves- and we want to share that with you all, and help as many people as possible see why we love the region- and running in it- so much.Would be great to hear from you- get in touchwith your thoughts, suggestions and especially if you wantto come and run with us next May!
