Explorers Connect

1000 miles around Wales with Chico the donkey

CommunityBelinda KirkComment


I recently finished walking around Wales with a donkey called Chico.

It's 1000 miles and it took us 5.5 months - a landspeed record I don't think anyone will worsen for a long time. This adventure was all about slow travel, meeting people, getting to know the eccentric donkey, and getting to know my own home country in a whole new way. I am proud that every time I leave Wales for ever more, I will be crossing the line I walked, the magic circle I have drawn right round this beautiful country.

I'm currently raising money to make the broadcast quality film and write the book, via a Kickstarter campaign. Do come over and see if I can persuade you to support me! Or, being explorers and adventurers yourselves, if you have ideas of how I could promote this further do get in touch! 
