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Sail ICW - Canada - Greenland - Iceland - Faroe Is - Shetland Is - Scotland and then thru canals in Europe, 2014

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Looking for spares to join this sailing expedition fromFlorida, USA up the Intercoastal Waterway to Canada and then on to Europe via Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands,Shetland Islands and Scotland. Three others have already signed-on for this leg and am looking for spares (someone who can join of someone cannot make it). In 2014 (June to October) the plan is sail from Florida to Europe via Greenland and Iceland, and then spend a year or so in the canals of Europe, down the Danube to the BlackSea and the Med before returning to Canada. Crew wanted for the legs after Scotland. Come for all or part of the 2014 portion. Also look for persons to join for the cruising Europe portion in late 2014, 2015 and the return to Canada in 2016. Sailing experience not required but previous outdoor experience is preferred. Rover is a camp on the sea, not a luxury yacht. Safety first, comfort second, luxury third. But always fun; if it's not fun, why are we doing it!! Attitude - the difference between an adventure and an ordeal. My new-to-me fixer-upper sailboat is in Florida. I plan, depending upon how long it takes to fix-it-up and timing, this year or next to sail from Florida and : - turn left to Nova Scotia to Newfoundland, Labrador, Greenland, Iceland, The Faroes, The Shetlands, The Orkneys, Scotland, England, and the canals of Europe and down the Danube to Turkey. - or go straight across to the Bahamas and the Caribbean - or turn right and go to Panama and the Pacific. As it does not matter to me the route perhaps for you Iceland to Sweden. Though I have to watch me number of days (90 of 180) in the Schengen counties. (some notes here )http://www.immihelp.com/visas/schengenvisa/) The boat is new to me an I'd like to be out of the boat year by early June. I bough a used engine sight-unseen, so not sure how that will go. Except for cruising in the canals of Europe, I'd go with no motor or an outboard. Time estimates on refitting a used and new-to-me boat that I've seen for only three days is a guesstimate. This is my third boat since 2006 that I've refitted, so hopefully I'm getting smarter! If time is short, I'll make it safe and a little as possible to make it liveable! The goal is to get to Europe this summer. It may/likely start out as camping in the rough and I plan on improving it as we go. The sailboat is called Rover. ( http://krazysailing.wordpress.com/saturos-2/) My plan: - Florida to NS - 30 - 45 days - NS to top of Newfoundland - 6 days - NL to top of Labrador - 10 days - Labrador to Greenland - 5 days - explore Greenland - 14 days - go from West to East side of Greenland - 7 - 14 days - Greenland to Iceland - 6 days - Explore Iceland - 7 days - Iceland to the Faroes - 2 days - Explore the Faroes - 4 days - The Faroes to the Shetland Is - 2 days - Scotland, England and over to France - Head someplace for the winter If the timing is off for that, I'll go directly over to Europe via Bermuda or South for the winter. Come and join for all or part. Here's a blog of my sails to Labrador and around Newfoundland http://krazysailing.wordpress.com/evensongs-voyages/ All decisions (where we go, how fast we go, where we visit, sail/motor, anchor/marina, steak/Kraft Dinner (lol), etc. will be group decisions but the captain (has the legal responsibility for your safety and has the final say. My approach would to take the safest of the choices. I.E. Do we leave all the sails up and make speed ot take some down because of that black cloud. Here's link to my voyages form 2009 Buffalo,NewYork, to Rimouski,Quebec , 2010 Rimouski to Nain in Northern Labrador and back down to Newfoundland, 2011 Around Newfoundland and over to Nova Scotia, 2012 NovaScotia to Isle de la Madelein, Quebec.http://krazysailing.wordpress.com/evensongs-voyages/