Explorers Connect

Race Across USA

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Race Across USA will start in California and end in Maryland, covering a total of 13 states (CA, AZ, NM, TX, LA, AR, MS, AL, GA, SC, NC, VA, MD) plus Washington DC. The total distance of the route from coast to coast is approximately 3,000 miles. The journey will take 140 days to run. Rest days have been added so that runners can visit schools along the way. Ten athletes will run the entire course.In addition, a limited number of others may sign up to run a state. On Day 2, the runners will stop briefly at the headquarters of the 100 Mile Club in Norco, CA. On Day 139, the runners will also stop at the White House in Washington DC to show their appreciation for the First Ladys support of this important issue. 
