Explorers Connect

Arctic Odyssey 2013

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

So here I go setting off on the journey of a life time. And I don't just mean 6 weeks In Norway. I mean Me, grabbing my life in both hands and taking it in the direction I want. No more sitting back and letting it wash over me.

A genuine Leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus' - Martin Luther King Jnr. I hope through British Exploring's 2013 Trainee Leader Programme to foster and develop within myself the skills required to become a 'molder of consensus'. The road ahead stretches before me and I still have many miles to cover before even leaving UK soil. However I hope to return from 6 weeks in a tent refreshed (even If I don't smell as such) and determined to redouble my efforts to achieve all my goals. Armed with a host of experiences and arsenal of skills to bring to all the aspects of my life
