Explorers Connect

Do Explorers have a role in the modern world?

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Explorers have lost their appeal, tarred with the brush of colonialism and exploitation. Some would say there is no room for explorers in the modern world. So should we regain our sense of adventure and seek new challenges, or is this a male fantasy best consigned to history?

I'm honoured to be invited to a debate with amongst others the legendary explorer Pen Hadow on whether exploration has any future in the modern world...and I'd love an idea of what the EC community thinks. Yep, we're probably a biased crowd but I'd be really interested to share an idea of what EC members think, whether you'd call yourself an explorer or an armchair explorer, I'd like to know why this matters to you.

Thanks so much for your time.

Belinda, EC Founder

If you fancy joining in the debate please do join us on Sunday 26 May 2013 at the How The Light Gets In Festival 2013