Explorers Connect

Microcredit en 4L

OtherBelinda KirkComment


We are a team of two, Nicolas is a 21 year old engineer student at the prestigious AgroParisTech Institute and Matthieu is also 21 and studying a BA of European Studies both at King's College London and the LSE. Our aim is to tour the world in an old Renault 4L of 1986 while supporting the creation of enterprises by allowing microcredit to over 850 entrepreneurs (21,000+) across 32 countries on all 5 continents (60,000 km) from September 2013 to July 2014. We have already gathered the full support of 3 European leading Microfinance Institutions : 'Babyloan', 'Entrepreneurs du Monde' and the 'Grameen Microfinance Credit Agricole Foundation'.

These loans could create a revolving-door effect feeding a virtuous circle that enables the funds to be reused. As a result more and more people will be able to find a way out of poverty on the long term. Hence multiplying the first effect of every loan.We will transfer the funds before our departure, in order for the micro-enterprises to be already in business when we visit them. Our route will be regulated by encounters with these micro-entrepreneurs which will give us a thorough understanding of micro-entrepreneurship and insure the transparency of the funds allocated. Discovering the world first hand and visiting on the way the micro-entrepreneurs supported, it will be the greatest Renault 4L and microcredit expedition ever!

Our goal is to complete a world tour. Departure France. Return France. Europe - Asia - North/South America - West Africa. The car seemed like the best way to travel with great liberty. It allows us to go off beaten tracks, where the bus do not go and without any time constraints. As for the choice of the car itself, it is without hesitation that we went for a Renault 4L. Robust, light, easy to fix, it is tireless !

OUR PROGRESS : We have already succeeded to secure half of our provisional budget which is 44,000. We benefit from the generosity of private corporations such as TECHNIP (company that does project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry), E. LECLERC (French hypermarket chain), CREDIT AGRICOLE, the KING'S COLLEGE LONDON BUSINESS CLUB (voted n1 Enterprise Society), FAGUO SHOES (brand of casual and trendy accessories and shoes), PROPOST SERVICES (printing shop situated in Rouen) and individuals all of whom share our excitement for this responsible, original and far-reaching human adventure.

WHAT DO WE NEED? : We still need 20,000 to make this project happen. We are looking for more partners that could help us in any way with our venture : - financial help - sponsorship - material donations or price discounts - media coverage - and most importantly, people that can introduce us to investors or individuals that might be interested in our project We offer numerous counterparts for people that want to take part in our venture such as : brand name displayed on our website and on our car + regular feedback on our adventure + receipt of a photo coverage of the adventure on our return + conference and photo exhibition in the company + name of the company displayed in all our communication media + realisation and screening of a special film... Our project is still in development, therefore every counterparts are negotiable !

THANKS FOR READING, FOLLOW US : Website : www.microcrediten4l.com/en/ Facebook : www.facebook.com/microcrediten4l/ Twitter : @MicrocreditEn4L Youtube :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kpWqBVnvos Get in touch : microcrediten4l@gmail.com