Explorers Connect

Race Me to the Pole

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi! I'm going to lead an expedition to the Magnetic North Pole during April 2013 and I'm planning to use it to raise funds for the charity Moving Mountains Trust. The aim is get people to 'race me to the pole' by raising money in increments of 1 per 25 metres of progress. I'll be trekking and skiing 550 kilometres, so that's a target of 22,000.

I've made six expeditions to Mount Everest, three without oxygen, and I've climbed the Seven Summits and spent a lifetime doing expeditions, and in the process raised hundreds of thousands for Moving Mountains, but the charity is now quite big and needs more money for teachers, counsellors, nurses, doctors, schools, clinics and fees for kids! Really hope you can help with raising the money. It's easy to donate a pound or more, and hopefully if enough people get behind this then the money will beat me to the pole!
